Water quality / AQUADEUS Benefits

70% of our body is the water that we drink. Choose wisely
with Quality
Aquadeus has in its Fuente Arquillo and Sierra Nevada springs, two of the most balanced natural mineral waters on the market due to its chemical composition. These waters are characterised by their original purity, have a stable chemical composition over time and are furthermore, bacteriologically safe which is why these do not require any treatment for its consumption.
Minerals in the form of salts present in natural mineral waters are necessary and healthy. The main minerals are calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates, which play a key role in many metabolic processes.
The importance of water
Water is a source of life, its consumption is essential for humans. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommendations, a healthy adult, with a moderate level of physical activity and in a temperate climate, should drink approximately 2 litres of water a day for men and 1.6 litres for women, throughout the day, regularly to maintain appropriate hydration levels.
Remember the importance of maintaining correct daily hydration levels without feeling extremely thirsty, in fact it is recommended to drink even when is not thirsty and to make this a regular habit. If, to this gesture, one adds the fact that Aquadeus contains essential minerals and trace elements, drinking a glass of water becomes a choice of healthy awareness.
Remember the importance of maintaining correct daily hydration levels without feeling extremely thirsty, in fact it is recommended to drink even when is not thirsty and to make this a regular habit. If, to this gesture, one adds the fact that Aquadeus contains essential minerals and trace elements, drinking a glass of water becomes a choice of healthy awareness.