The natural mineral water Aquadeus gets the gold in the International Gourmet Water Competition in Paris
The natural mineral water Aquadeus gets the gold in the International Gourmet Water Competition in Paris 75 brands of water from all over the world have participated in the competition organised by the AVPA (The Agricultural Products Rating Agency)
The natural mineral water Aquadeus has just come away with the gold medal in the International Gourmet Water Competition organised by the Agricultural Products Rating Agency, AVPA, in Paris. It is the highest distinction in the competition in which 75 brands of water from 19 countries have participated.
The jury was made up of professional tasters and internationally prestigious chefs. The water taking part has been submitted to exhaustive analysis, by the organiser as well as by representatives of the famous cookery school Francesca Ferrandi.
Aquadeus took part in the average mineralisation water category and the quality of its product has allowed it to exceed other high level brands, such as the Portuguese Healsi, which won silver and the French Chantemerle which won bronze.
Medalla | Nombre de la marca | Origen | Pais |
ORO | AQUADEUS | Albacete | España |
PLATA | HEALSI | Santarém | Portugal |
BRONCE | CHANTEMERLE | Ardéche | Francia |
Diploma | SOUSAS | Ourense | España |
Diploma | SOLAN DE CABRAS | Cuenca | España |
Diploma | SIERRA NATURA | Jaen | España |
Diploma | SEMBRANCHER | Valais | Suiza |
Diploma | KELZAI VOLCANIC WATER | Maharashtra | India |
Diploma | ALASKA | Herson | Ucrania |
Diploma | NUMEN | Toledo | España |
Diploma | JOLIVAL | Charente | Francia |
Diploma | AGUA DE BENASSAL | C. Valenciana | España |
Diploma | PLANCOET | Cote-d-Armor | Francia |
This prize goes together with the fact that the natural mineral water Aquadeus has been chosen as one of the best bottled water on the market according to the Users and Consumers Association (OCU), for four consecutive years for its chemical composition. This water is classified as bicarbonate water, with calcium and low salt, appropriate for the preparation of children’s food and for sodium restricted diets. With this new recognition it is evident that Aquadeus is one of the most balanced and better quality natural mineral waters in the world.